September 9, 2024

This blog is for customers, logo designers and agencies. We are going to discuss on what to consider when designing a good logo. If you are a logo designer and your designs are not getting approved by clients, this is a must-read for you.

Key Elements Every Great Logo Designer Considers:

A common mistake most logo designers make while designing a logo is that they start focusing more on uniqueness instead of functionality. They end up getting a complex design that might look good but misses the functionality and it fails.

At Creative Orion, we consider several key factors while designing a logo to ensure it effectively represents the brand and resonates with its target audience. Here are some of the main considerations:

1. Understanding the Brand

Brand Identity: Our designer needs to fully understand the brand’s mission, values, vision, and unique selling propositions before getting into the design.

Target Audience: Knowing who is this logo for, would help us create a design that appeals to the intended audience.

2. Simplicity

Memorability: A simple design is often more memorable and recognizable. People don’t understand the power of simple design. We make simple designs.

Versatility: A simple logo can be easily adapted for various uses, from business cards to billboards.

3. Relevance

Avoid Trends: Another common mistake logo designers and clients make is to choose trends in logo design. We don’t suggest using trends in logos, we use trends for other design work.

Appropriate Imagery: The elements used in the logo (icons, fonts, colours) should reflect the brand’s industry and audience.

4. Colour Psychology

Emotional Impact: Colours evoke emotions, and the chosen palette should resonate with the brand’s message and target audience.

Cultural Considerations: In a global context, colour meanings can vary; it’s important to consider how different cultures may perceive the colour.

5. Typography

Font Choice: We make sure the kind of font we use complements the logo and is legible in various sizes. We customise fonts as per the brand’s personality.

Consistency: The typography used in the logo should be consistent with the brand’s other materials.

6. Scalability

Vector Design: Logos should be designed in vector format to ensure they can be scaled to any size without losing quality.

Readability: Even when scaled down, the logo should remain clear and legible.

7. Uniqueness

Originality: The logo should be distinctive and not resemble other logos, especially those within the same industry.

Trademark Consideration: It’s important to ensure the logo can be trademarked and doesn’t infringe on existing designs.

8. Balance and Proportion

Visual Harmony: The elements of the logo should be well-balanced to create a visually pleasing design and follow the harmony.

Symmetry vs. Asymmetry: Depending on the brand’s message, the designer might opt for a symmetrical or asymmetrical design.

9. Timelessness

Longevity: The logo should be designed to remain effective and relevant for years, avoiding overly trendy elements that may date it quickly.

Classic Elements: Incorporating classic design principles can help in creating a timeless logo.

10. Feedback and Revisions

Client Collaboration: Involving the client in the design process ensures the final logo aligns with their vision. But Client has to understand basic design principles and should share relevant feedback

Testing: Testing the logo in different scenarios and getting feedback can help refine the design.

Clients we don’t work with:

  • Those who do not believe in processes.
  • Those who do not provide answers to our questions.
  • Those who do not understand functional design.
  • Those who do not value our efforts.
  • Those who are looking for fancy and complicated logos.
  • Those who think the logo is everything and they want everything in it.

When you go to a doctor you trust his medication, the same way you should trust us. We are doctors in our field. We are certified and have strong knowledge to deliver amazing designs.
Check our logo design services in India

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