For quite some time, there has been an inherent gap in the field of graphics designing in terms of theoretical and practical learning. With numerous theoretical concepts available all over the internet, students are able to learn the theory of designing but face the challenge of applying these concepts once they start working in the industry. This arises because of theory-oriented learning and can be deemed as an incomplete learning process.

Internships help students to become proficient

Additionally, there are very few companies in the field who are providing internship programs to support aspiring designers. This ultimately acts as a hindrance in starting off a career in this field and leads to poor motivation.

We, at Creative Orion, have identified this need and have come up with our internship programs catering specifically to students and budding designers. We strongly believe in the pedagogy of “Learning-by-doing” and hence these internships are tailored to provide the necessary hands-on experience on various projects. Apart from this, it also aims to provide an opportunity for applying designing concepts in real-life industry problems and gain valuable experience. Students will be assigned industry mentors who will provide guidance during the course of the internship and impart the most important and relevant skills.


The program also aims to help students explore different aspects of graphics designing and identify their specific areas of interests. This will provide clarity regarding future career scopes based on individual preferences and interests.

Students successfully completing the internship would be provided with internship completion letters. An internship experience will help students to explore various career opportunities in the industry and also boost the prospects of converting relevant jobs.

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