October 13, 2021

Facebook is the biggest social networking platform across the world. The total monthly active users as of the second quarter of 2021 is roughly around 2.89 billion.

When it comes to business, Facebook has been accepted loudly by marketers. The right social media marketing company in Faridabad can be the deciding factor in whether your organization can take advantage of Facebook Ads or not. There are plenty of reasons why one should adopt Facebook ads to increase brand visibility and engagement.
Let’s discuss a few of them :


1. Target to a specific audience

Since Facebook has around 30% of population on its platform so you have both the choices, one that you choose a broad audience and second you choose a narrow and relevant audience.

From my experience of over 5 years in the digital marketing, I feel audience quality is more important than size of the audience. Because, reaching 2K relevant audience will always give more results then reaching 10K irrelevant audience. Your job is to let your target audience know about your offerings.

Don’t Worry, It’s easy to target :

Facebook offers better targeting capabilities which includes interests, demographics, location, and behavior etc. You can easily be more specific on who should see you ads.

For example, if you want show your ads to students age between 18 and 25 and have interest in designing and live in specific city or region.  You can narrow your audience based on different factors.

2. Relevant to your target audience.

Since Facebook ads cost you money, you can’t run it for irrelevant audience. Facebook charges you money based on impressions/clicks (they way you select your settings), it’s always advisable to be more relevant while running Facebook ads.

Before running any ad  you should check the relevancy of it, there is a Facebook functionality  available which can help you give provide relevancy score.

3. Design an interactive Ad

Visual communication is very important, you can’t ignore this. While designing any Ad you need to make sure that image/images used should be relevant to the objective. Facebook does read content on any image, so use content wisely. A better designed ad always perform better.
Few most important factors to be consider while designing any Facebook ad:
– Use high quality images

  • Use relevant and clear content
  • Don’t use too much content on Ad
  • Follow color theory of design
  • Avoid using contact details on Ad

4. Copy is important

 The Ad copy has a very major role, you need to understand the structure of your copy. First of all, you should know certain facts before writing a good Ad copy.

Primary Text – Since Ad preview is limited to 125 characters only, you need to be very thoughtful while writing your copy. Start with the most important key points. User needs to click on read more in order to view the details of the Ad.

Headline – You need to write a catchy headline for your Ad within 40 words.

Link Description –  The word limit of link description is 30 words.

5. Call to Action

You have got a good design and a great copy but without a clear Call to Action (CTA), your user would get confused and distracted while taking an action. So, while setting up the Ad you also need to define a clear call to action. Facebook provides an easy interface to choose your call to action based on your ad objective.
Weather you want your users to sign up or buy something, your call to action should be very clearly defined.

Facebook offers easy interface to set up clear call to action.

We at Creative Orion help businesses to set up Facebook Ads. Sign up our Newsletter to know the latest update on our website.

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